What We Believe


The Bible

The Holy Scriptures are inspired by God, and they are useful and sufficient for living every area of our lives the way God mandates. Everything necessary for life has been revealed in God’s word ( 2 Tim 3:15-17 , 2 Pet 1:3-4 ; 20-21 ; Matt 5:18).


There is only one God who exists eternally in three different persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, co-eternal in being and nature ( Deut 6:4 ; 2 Co. 13:14 ; Isa. 40:28 ; Acts 1:8-12 , 9:14 ; Jer. 23:23-24 ; Matt. 28:20 ; Ps. 139:7-10 ).

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is God, being the unique mediator between God and us. There is no other name or being by which one can be saved ( Rom 9:5 ; 1 Tim 2:5 ; Eph. 1:7 ; Rom 4:25 ; Acts 16:31 ).

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God, a personal being who possesses all the distinctive attributes of deity. He regenerates the fallen and then guides everyone to the truth, while teaching and reminding them what has been revealed through the Scriptures ( Acts 5:3-4 ; Tit 3:5b ; Eph 1:13 ; 1 Co 6:19 ; Ts. 2:13).


Salvation is a gift from God given to man by grace, (undeserved favor), through faith in Jesus Christ alone and not by our own merits ( Eph 2:8-9 , 2 Tim 1:9 ; Isa 64:6 ; Ro. 8: 33-39 ).


Man was created in the image and likeness of God; man sinned and was separated from God’s glory, spiritually dead without a relationship, in enmity and without peace with His Creator ( Gen 1:26-27 ; Rom 3:23 , Acts 9:27 , Re. 20:14-15 , 2 Thes 1:9 ; Rom 5:12 ).

The Local Church

We believe the local church is an integral part for the growth and development of every believer. The Church provides a community of fellowship for the purpose of exhortation, encouragement, and living out the gospel. We believe the local church is an indispensable part of the discipleship process as one of its principal responsibilities is to disciple and encourage believers. As part of the discipleship process, we long to connect our students to a local church where they can continue to grow in their faith. (Heb 10:25; Col 3:16 Acts 2:42; Matt 18:20; Rom 12:4-5)

Core values

These values guide us to help make decisions, do ministry, and serve others.

  • Knowing and loving God.

  • Loving people unconditionally.

  • Maintain integrity, excellence and passion in all we do.

  • Protect the dignity of those we partner with.

  • We believe that effective discipleship must comprehend and address the culture and context where ministry occurs.

  • Empowering and equipping national Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.

  • All Christians are called to make disciples.