Juego Amistoso: Dale Pues vs Ciudad Sandino (Spanish)

Despues de 16 meses compartiendo Ultimate, entrenando jugadores, trabajando en comunidades, haciendo amigos, y creando una cultura de Ultimate, tuvimos la oportunidad de jugar el primer juego amistoso entre dos equipos juveniles aqui en Nicaragua. 

El partido fue jugado en el parque de beisbol en Zona 6 de Ciudad Sandino. El campo estaba limpiado minutos antes del juego y tuvimos espectadores de la comunidad nos rodeando. Estamos agradecidos a los quien limpiaron el campo y que miraron el partido. 

Este es el inicio de un ano nuevo para Dale Pues, nuestro primer equipo juvenil que esta hospedado en NCA Internacional. Durante este partido ellos tuvieron la oportunidad de jugar juntos para la primera vez y en un partido real. Ellos aprendieron trabajar juntos y usar su experiencia a su ventaja. 

El equipo juvenil de Ciudad Sandino fue armado de unos de nuestros lideres juveniles, unos estudiantes el proyecto, y otros jovenes que han enamorado con el deporte. Es un equipo muy atletico pero no tiene mucha experiencia. Este fue una gran oportunidad por ellos aprender que trabajo duro vale la pena y no podemos estar satisfechos con ser mediocre. siempre hay mas que podemos lograr y aprender. 

Despues de una hora de jugar Dale Pues vencio Ciudad Sandino 10-6. Ambos equipos tuvieron buen fluye y ritmo y jugadas atleticas. Ambos equipos todavia tienen muchas cosas para aprender y esperamos que este partido les ayudara mucho y que podemos construir una fundacion para el ano que viene. 

Juego Amistoso: Dale Pues vs. Ciudad Sandino

Haz clic para Espanol

After 16 months of sharing Ultimate, training players, working in communities, making friends, and creating an Ultimate culture, we had the awesome opportunity to host the first youth only game between two club teams here in Nicaragua! 

The game was held at the central baseball park in Zone 6 of Ciudad Sandino. In true Nicaraguan fashion the field was being trimmed and cleaned for play all the way up to game-time. We are so thankful to those who took the time to make sure we had a nice field to play on.

This is the beginning of a new year for Dale Pues, our first youth team that is hosted at NCA International. This gave them the opportunity play together for the first time in a real game atmosphere. They learned to work together and use their experience to their advantage. 

The youth team from Ciudad Sandino was comprised of some of our youth leaders, some kids from our project, and local youth who have gained in interest in Ultimate. They are a very athletic team but lack experience. This was a great opportunity for them to learn that hard work does pay off, but we can never be content with being ok. There is always more to be done and more to learn. 

After an hour of play Dale Pues was victorious 10-6. Both teams exhibited great flow at times and athletic plays. Both teams though still have a lot to learn and we hope this opportunity will help build a foundation for the year to come. 

Torneo Cocibolca 2016 (Espanol)

For English click here.  

El Torneo Cocibolca reunió gente de todas partes de Nicaragua  y de todos los estilos de vida. Hubieron  jugadores con 20 años de experiencia y jugadores que no tenían ni 20 minutos de experiencia. Había gente quienes podían solicitar un descuento de edad y otros que están cursando 8vo grado. Había gente quienes nunca habían jugado un deporte mixto o nunca habían jugado un deporte del todo. Había gente que con dinero y gente sin dinero. Ultimate es una herramienta especial para muchas cosas, pero aquí en Nicaragua está reuniendo gente de una manera que nadie más lo está haciendo.

Fue la mejor experiencia de mi vida.
— Julio Zapata (16 anos de edad)
Yo tuve un gran tiempo y sinceramente aprendi tanto de los jovenes. Este fue una experiencia salvaje y no puedo esperar para el proximo ano!
— Traducido y Parafraseado Christopher Shanks (Project Bona Fide y Aqua Wellness Resort)

Formamos 5 equipos de casi 80 personas y nos alegró mucho tener tantas mujeres participando. Casi el 30 % de los jugadores fueron mujeres! Después de un largo y caluroso día El Equipo Maderas se impuso sobre el Equipo Masaya por tan solo un punto! Ellos se convirtieron en los primeros campeones del Torneo Cocibolca!

Posiciones Finales:

  1. Equipo Maderas

  2. Equipo Masaya

  3. Equipo Mombacho

  4. Equipo Concepcion

  5. Equipo Momotombo

Para mas fotos haga clic aquí

Torneo Cocibolca fue el primer torneo de Ultimate Frisbee en Granada en el Cocibolca Jockey Club. Después de un día de Jugar, aprender, hacer amigos, y disfrutar de la piscina y helado de Kiss Me, podemos decir que el evento fue un gran éxito.

Estamos muy emocionados para hacerlo más grande y mejor el próximo año. Esperamos que reunirá personas de todas partes del mundo y conocerán nuestro hermoso país.

Estamos muy agradecidos por nuestros socios y patrocinadores por hacer este evento posible. Este evento no hubiera sido posible sin ellos.

Un agradecimiento especial a Cocibolca Jockey Club por hospedar el evento.

Torneo Cocibolca 2016

Para Espanol haga cliq aqui

Torneo Cocibolca brought people together from all over Nicaragua and all walks of life. There were players with 20 years of playing experience and players with not even 20 minutes. There were people who could apply for a senior discount and others who are navigating middle school. There were people who had never played a mixed gender sport before or never played sports at all. There were people that had money and people that had no money. Ultimate is such a unique tool for many things, but here in Nicaragua it is bringing people together in a way that nothing else does. 

I had such a great time and really learned so much from the youngins. This was an awesome experience and I can’t wait for next year.
— Paraphrased from Christopher Shanks (Project Bona Fide and Aqua Wellness Resort)
Este fue la mejor experiencia de mi vida.
— Julio Zapata (15 yrs old)

We created 5 teams from almost 80 people and were so happy to have such a strong showing from the women. Almost 30% of those who played were women! After a long and hot day Team Maderas defeated Team Masaya by just 1 point to become the first ever Torneo Cocibolca Champions! 

Final Standings:

  1. Team Maderas

  2. Team Masaya

  3. Team Mombacho

  4. Team Concepcion

  5. Team Momotombo

Check out more pictures at this link! 

Torneo Cocibolca was the first ever Ultimate Frisbee tournament hosted in Granada at the Cocibolca Jockey Club! After an entire day of playing, learning, making friends, and enjoying the pool with some Kiss Me ice cream we can say that it was a huge success.

We are very excited to make it an even bigger and better event next year. We hope you will join us from all over the world and get to know our beautiful country! 

We are so thankful to our Partners and Sponsors for making this event possible! The event would not be possible without them! An extra special thank you to the Cocibolca Jockey Club for hosting the event! You can check them out below! 

A New Project- NCA Nejapa

Para Espanol clique aca.

NCA Nejapa is a sister school of NCA International, where our Dale Pues team is hosted. NCA Nejapa teaches their classes in Spanish and is reaching the middle class of Nicaragua. They operate on the February-November school Calendar. 

We are lucky to have them as a new program starting August 2016! 

Hector, the P.E. teacher who has been working with the kids at Nejapa, invited Exequiel and Chasen to speak in a couple physical education classes and provide some experienced support. Exequiel shared the values covered in the Breaking Borders' leadership curriculum (THE DISC) and specifically taught on being teachable. Afterwards he and Chasen took the kids outside to focus on throwing with two younger classes and scrimmaging with an older class.

All the youth participated and had a good time, but several really enjoyed it and grew in their skills in just one short class. Our goal is to have a mixed club team starting with the new school year in February 2017!

Un Nuevo Proyecto- NCA Nejapa

NCA Nejapa es una de 3 escuelas en ANCA, Association de Nicaragua Cristian Academia. Nejapa ensena sus clases en Espanol y esta atrayendo la media clase de Nicaragua. Ellos tienen clase del inicio de Febrero hasta el fin de Noviembre.

Tenemos suerte que hemos asociado con ellos para desarrollar Ultimate en sus clases de educación física empezando Agosto 2016!

Hector, el maestro de las clases de educación física, les invito Exequiel y Chasen para hablar en 3 clases y proveer algo apoyo con experiencia. Ezequiel les dio un repaso corto de los valores cubierto en el curiculo de liderazgo de Breaking Borders y se enfoco en el valor de "estar dispuesto de aprender." Después El y Chasen llevaron los estudiantes afuera para practicar los tiros con las clases menores y jugar un partido con los mayores. 

Todos los estudiantes participaron bien y se disfrutaron. Habian algunos que crecieron mucho y se divertieron mucho. Nuestro meta es tener un equipo club mixto empezando con el nuevo ano escolar en Febrero 2017! 

Coach and Teacher Training at NCA Matagalpa

On July 19th, which is Revolution Day here in Nica, we had our first Coach's and Teacher Training of the summer. Because it is Nica we had a beautiful drive in between multiple volcanoes to get to our site!

NCA Matagalpa hosted our first of several trainings in the coming months for all of our new schools. They are 1 of 4 new schools we are adding for the coming year. We had staff, students, and area players participate. NCA Matagalpa is a school in the north central part of Nicaragua that will be implementing our P.E. curriculum into their current programs and hopefully creating a youth team in February at the start of their new school year! Their school year is February-November. Here is a video that shows how much they learned in just a couple hours! 

Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to our partner Disc Store for providing the discs for this new program! 

BB Staff presenting discs for the new program to NCA Matagalpa P.E. Teacher Otoniel Martinez, and Directors Greg Kynast and Nathan Sandhal,  

Ciudad Sandino

What started with 3 teenagers in the beginning of January, is now 40-50 children, youth, and adults 6 months later.    

Friday Morning youth free play

Every Friday morning we come to Zone 6 in Ciudad Sandino to play Ultimate and build relationships with the kids. When we started we only had a couple kids and they were apprehensive. As time went on the kids who were there started getting better and began to invite their friends. We now have a consistent 15-20 every week plus the young adult volunteers. 

It has been really encouraging to see how the kids have matured and begun to apply some of the values we have taught and explained through Ultimate. We have seen major attitude changes in a lot of the kids and it reflects in how they play and how they interact with others. Kids will be kids but if they can learn a little bit along the way it can help them build a good foundation for their future. 

Another aspect of our Friday morning program is community service. We want to give the kids an opportunity to apply some of the values they have learned by giving back to their community through different projects. During our first project we cleaned the park of trash and swept the basketball courts. One of the goals was to teach the kids to be responsible for what they have and take care of it. 

We had some special visitors come in May and we decided it would be fun to celebrate by having a water balloon fight! You can see who truly WON HERE! #sneakattack #leaders


Youth Mini Tourney

After 5-6 months of practicing, playing, and slowly learning more about the sport, we felt it was time to do something special for the kids in the program. We wanted to put on a small tournament. After problems with the local government, conflicting schedules and school starting again we just made it a special scrimmage with prizes for the winners. The kids have grown so much and we are hoping we can give them more consistent opportunities to play. 

Thursday Night Pickup

Starting in early June we began to have more young adults involved in our program. After watching the younger kids play for the better part of 4 months they finally began to show interest and realized it wasn't just a game for kids. Additionally the local government placed lights in the park as part of their improvement plan so it gave more opportunity to play for those who work during the day. Once the older kids and young adults started playing it raised the interest of adults as well. Thursday night pickup consists of students and adults ages 15-35 playing a mini version of Ultimate.  Since they only have lights on the basketball courts they have been limited to play 3 v 3 or 4 v 4. We are hoping we can set up a Saturday morning time so they can play on a larger field, but we are very excited to see them enjoying the game as it is now! 

Special Thanks

We would like to give a special thanks to our friend and local contact out in Ciudad Sandino. Alvaro Gonzales has been the key to our program growing and we are very grateful for all the help he has given us. We would also like to thank some of the Dale Pues Ultimate players for serving while on summer break as well. Ramiro, Davey, and Michael have helped us build closer relationships with the kids, create a more competitive environment on Thursday nights, and also helped us get the younger kids ready for the tournament. It is really cool to see how our programs are connecting and serving each other. 

Chasen, Alvaro (Community Leader), Ramiro (Dale Pues), Davey (Dale Pues), Zeke (BB Intern), and Michael (Dale Pues) not shown. 

If you have read this much we would like to thank you as well! We love what we are doing here and if you would like to help us in anyway or learn more about all of our programs please feel free to contact support@breakingborders.org


Breaking Borders Marketing and Design Intern

Have you ever been interested in being part of an organization that helps others? Have you ever wondered how you could apply your love for Ultimate and your personal skill set to help make a difference? Well the Marketing and Design Intern at Breaking Borders could be the perfect opportunity for you to implement your passions, skills, and expertise. At the same time you will be surrounded by likeminded people and challenged to grow. 

Marketing and Design Intern

We are seeking a marketing and design intern who will embody Breaking Borders and represent it authentically across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our design portfolios.  This person will learn community management and content management skills. He or she will assist in facilitating the delivery of engaging social media content to Breaking Borders growing community. This individual will also help with creating designs for events and promotional materials. This internship will require an average of 3-6 hours a week and is an unpaid position.

Interns are expected to have experience with social media on (at least) a personal level (use on a business level preferred). You must be able to think strategically and see how social media fits into a business’ marketing strategy and building long-lasting relationships by providing value to them. Interns must be able to assist in formulating social media plans (once ample information is provided to you), and then carry them out (with our assistance). You must be able to measure and document the impact of social media, and then suggest action-steps to increase impact.

Interns will be performing the following tasks:

  • Writing and posting blog posts/tweets/updates, etc.

  • Uploading videos, photo albums, etc.

  • Finding users to follow/friend/like our business

  • Helping create designs for our events

  • Tracking the growth and the impact of social media on our business

  • Replying to comments, messages, etc.

  • Report findings to the team

  • Consistently learn and grow, ask pertinent questions

  • Ability to create and upload Twitter & YouTube backgrounds, and minor video editing skills are a plus

  • Bi-monthly meetings with Executive Director to discuss weekly and monthly goals.

Skills and attributes interns are expected to have:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication, strong editing skills

  • Be creative with an eye for design

  • Knowledge of digital media software – Photoshop or other graphic design software, WordSwag,  etc. is preferred

  • Knowledge of social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogs, etc.

  • Willingness to create video blogs, write press releases, and Facebook posts weekly

  • Energy, with a desire to come up with fresh ideas on how to grow our online presence

  • Ability to identify a target market and “speak” to that consumer through social media

  • Experience proofreading and editing

  • Ability to deal with uncertainty

  • Ability to contribute individually, and participate in cross-functional teams

  • Spanish proficiency is a major plus


If you are interested in applying for this position please fill out the information below and send in a resume to support@breakingborders.org